Wednesday 3 October 2012

Week 7: Dubstep Guns

I'm not going to lie. I just like the VFX in this video. They're overblown, and CorridorDigital have worked with Red Giant in promotion stuff for a while, so this is easy stuff for them, and as a few other youtubers have proven, they can be replicated.

But who cares, it's bombastic, dubstep and laser guns. With cheesy characters and a hit squad called The Drop. The effects are very well integrated, flowing to the beat, with the camera jittering along with the dubstep music. The timing would have been difficult, and the footage was shot with the VFX in mind, which when doing anything digitally, is an important factor to keep in mind. Knowing what's going to be in the schene beforehand keeps you from needing to reshoot and allows for the best integration of the two.

The stylising of character introductions is a nice touch, with retro neon colour swipes putting the characters into dramatic pose make for an amusingly over dramatic entrance. Actually, all the characters are introduced individually, with one pair getting a Mortal Kombat style flames and axes entrance.

What's interesting is that this video spawned an inspired video, despite having no plot, correlation or really anything except bombastic special effects and clever shooting.

This was done by another youtube group, PVQvideo who, while having fairly overdone colour correction shoot an interesting story of combat, mind trips, and imagination all the the beat of dubstep and other electronic pieces. Obviously inspired by the music and taking the CorridorDigital effects a step further. Indeed, they reference their sires by putting a clip from Dubstep Guns in the video and using it to push the plot forward, however crudely.

Either way, once again the much hated music genre has spawned yet another colourful and amusing movie depiction. It's strange how something so hard and grungy could spawn so much colour. I guess that's human interpretation for you.

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